In just 10 minutes or less, our behavioral assessment tool gives you insight to take the guesswork out of personnel decisions. Whether you are hiring a new employee, deciding on future roles for current employees, team building or creating a succession plan for your agency, Omnia can help.
New Hires
Compare candidates to specific job expectations, your workplace culture, the manager, and up to three peers. Uncover each candidate’s compatibility and receive helpful management and coaching advice, along with bulleted strengths and challenges, follow up interview questions and an interview scorecard.
Transfer or Promotion
Compare internal candidates to new job expectations as well as others performing successfully in the role. Avoid promoting or transferring a star performer to an unsuitable position, and ultimately out of your organization.
Retention & Motivation
Retention starts with understanding who you’ve got and what they need to get and stay engaged. Discover what motivates the unique personalities on your team, and what doesn’t. Understand the compatibility of each employee with the demands of their position and the cultural landscape of your workplace.
General Mental Ability
In addition to the behavioral assessment tool, Omnia also offers a Cognitive Assessment. It provides a reliable measure of General Mental Ability (GMA): the ability to reason, problem solve, comprehend ideas and learn quickly. Thousands of studies have shown that GMA is a strong indicator of successful performance across a variety of jobs.
New Hires
Compare candidates to specific job expectations, your workplace culture, the manager, and up to three peers. Uncover each candidate’s compatibility and receive helpful management and coaching advice, along with bulleted strengths and challenges, follow up interview questions and an interview scorecard.
Transfer or Promotion
Compare internal candidates to new job expectations as well as others performing successfully in the role. Avoid promoting or transferring a star performer to an unsuitable position, and ultimately out of your organization.
Retention & Motivation
Retention starts with understanding who you’ve got and what they need to get and stay engaged. Discover what motivates the unique personalities on your team, and what doesn’t. Understand the compatibility of each employee with the demands of their position and the cultural landscape of your workplace.
General Mental Ability
In addition to the behavioral assessment tool, Omnia also offers a Cognitive Assessment. It provides a reliable measure of General Mental Ability (GMA): the ability to reason, problem solve, comprehend ideas and learn quickly. Thousands of studies have shown that GMA is a strong indicator of successful performance across a variety of jobs.
Learn how Omnia can help you! Contact:
Jamie Morlock
[email protected]
(813) 280-3030
Be sure to mention you are a PIA Member!
All PIA Members receive one free profile with initial package purchase.
All PIA Members receive 10% off the list price of any package purchased.
Jamie Morlock
[email protected]
(813) 280-3030
Be sure to mention you are a PIA Member!
All PIA Members receive one free profile with initial package purchase.
All PIA Members receive 10% off the list price of any package purchased.